#3 The importance of childhood foods with Elyse Resch
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If you want to know more about Elyse Resch and find out what she did before she became a nutritionist and author of intuitive eating, visit the website www.intuitiveeating.org If you want to know more about Elyse, her upcoming books and other projects, go to her website. www.elyseresch.com Elyse has so much great wisdom that she shares in her books. You can find The intuitive eating workbook for teens here https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40890222-the-intuitive-eating-workbook-for-teens?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=bsHCzOW4BT&rank=2 The intuitive eating journal that just came out https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54670271-the-intuitive-eating-journal?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=bsHCzOW4BT&rank=5 And of course the intuitive eating workbook https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31142904-the-intuitive-eating-workbook?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=bsHCzOW4BT&rank=4 and the forth edition of the intuitive eating book celebrating 25 years of intuitive eating https://www.amazon.de/Intuitive-Eating-4th-Anti-Diet-Revolutionary/dp/1250255198/ref=sr_1_10?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=elyse+resch&qid=1609699006&sr=8-10 Here is an audio course that every intuitive eating counselor has to take. I'm sure you'll like it too https://www.amazon.de/Intuitive-Eating-Practical-Yourself-Chronic/dp/B0189D2D9A/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=elyse+resch&qid=1609699006&sr=8-3
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